
I am driven by two main philosophies: Know more today about the world than yesterday and lessen the suffering of others

June 23, 2021

In 2021 approximately 67% of the global population owns a mobile device. That’s staggering…and this number is set to keep rising. More and more calls to the Emergency Number System will originate from a mobile, yet accurate location of that device remains the #1 challenge.

The stakeholders in every Emergency Number System are entities involved in the entire chain of making, responding, and handling an emergency call.

From the Caller, Responder, Dispatcher/Operator, Telecommunication Company/ ISP, Handset manufacturer/vendor, Regulators/Government…. all have their crucial part to play.

The sole purpose of the Emergency Number Network is to provide a critical service to civilians in their time of need. Whether it is law enforcement, medical, firefighting, disaster management or a rescue event, the service relies on each stakeholder to participate and coordinate to achieve the best possible outcome.

With differing yet intertwining roles to play in the same process, each stakeholder will distinctly benefit from improved mobile caller location accuracy with EML. But what would those potential benefits look like?

The most significant and motivating benefit would be to reach an emergency scene faster, saving time, and in many cases, saving precious lives too. As we have discussed before, in the US alone, over 10,000 lives are lost annually, attributed to Responders just not finding the location of the mobile caller fast enough, because accuracy issues provide the wrong address, or no address at all.

If we compare the other benefits of better location to entities such as Governments, Regulators, Telcos and Operators both in North America, and across Europe, the benefits are comparative. Lack of proper call information (including location) extends call processing times and drives up costs.

Better mobile location accuracy with the Emergency Mobile Location (EML) methodology would:

  • Ensure citizens are protected with the best possible service
  • Protect infrastructure investment and leverage existing assets
  • Solve the Internet Protocol technical challenge with an infrastructure upgrade
  • Create cost efficiency gains in call handling and resource management
  • Mitigate any potential 9-1-1 / 112 liability
  • Provide regulatory and privacy compliance, eliminate Cloud Act concerns with data sovereignty and integrity
  • Support expansion onto other Next Generation emergency services
  • Provide accurate, real-time, verified dispatchable addresses for mobile emergency calls
  • Meet demand of more accurate information provided to the PSAP, achieving faster response times and improved caller outcomes
  • Offer regulatory compliance, such as with the EECC article 109
  • Data storage regulatory compliance
  • Ensure integrity and sovereign control of data, including Cloud Act concerns

Each stakeholder has much to gain from improving the emergency location accuracy for mobile devices, but the most significant impact is undisputed; more global citizens will have an improved system, so if they ever need to make the call no one wants to make, help will arrive as quickly as possible…and you can’t put a price on that.

Our final email next week will summarize what we’ve covered over the last few weeks, and offer some key insights into what you can expect from ELi Technology for the remainder of 2021.

In the meantime, if you would like to discover how EML could impact your service, business, industry, or association, please reply to this email:, or contact us through our website: