
Live demo of EML in multi-story office building
High-resolution video showing clearly how the EML methodology provides specific floor level and room number indoor location awareness to ANY mobile call, on any handset or network.


Live demo of EML in a shopping mall
Location awareness is critical during emergency events. Watch how EML can help when someone calls from inside a busy shopping center.


Animated demo of ATLS
An animated video, demonstrating how ATLS provides a definitive dispatchable location for both indoor and outdoor environments.

Bank of America live EML Demonstration
Live demonstration of EML's indoor and vertical location capabilities at the Panther's Stadium in Charlotte.


Paramedics struggle to find mobile caller
A 3 minute video highlighting the comparison between mobile location today, and mobile location with EML.


Man of ELi video
A 9-minute detailed overview of where our industry is with providing more accurate location to emergency calls, and how ELi Technology is working to help.