Dispatchable Location for ALL Emergency Calls

Emergency Mobile Location, or EML, is a location technology capable of providing an accurate and precise location referred to as a “dispatchable location” on any mobile device. EML was developed specifically because of the continuing issue around “inaccurate and imprecise location” for emergency mobile calls around the world.

Before mobile devices, the landline system registered each phone number to a civic/residential address. Finding an emergency caller’s location was quite simple. 

With over 80% of emergency calls now from a mobile device, providing that address is complicated. Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) use cell tower triangulation, cell-ID, GPS coordinates, and crowdsourced Wi-Fi to route emergency calls and dispatch Responders. These location methods provide search areas from 50 meters or 3 km in size. Urban and indoor locations (including multi-level and/or underground buildings) are especially challenging due to urban canyoning and Wi-Fi distortion. All this results in poor indoor location visibility beyond a building’s front door.

Not every mobile caller knows their location, if they’re in an unfamiliar area, unable to communicate, or the call becomes disconnected. As a consequence, emergency help arrives too late, and this has devastating consequences.

EML Benefits

Verified and authoritative dispatchable location for all mobile emergency calls
GDPR, privacy and security compliance
Meets industry goals and objectives for Next Generation (NG) emergency services
Technologically agnostic
Scalable, real-world tested
Uses existing infrastructures, limited hardware upgrades
Supports VoIP, VoLTE, SIP
Enables accessibility for ALL

How It Works

EML is patented, and works by turning existing Wi-Fi Access Point (APs) data, including BSSIDs into a network of verified location datapoints.

Referred to as “unique identifiers”, they are dynamic and encrypted in transport, to ensure compliance with all privacy and security requirements. Each identifier is associated to the verified dispatchable location from a secure location database. Any handset operating systems’ “emergency call handling protocol'' automatically gathers GPS and cell data and scans any nearby Wi-Fi ecosystems. These scans also pickup the identifiers to pinpoint the specific location of the caller.

EML has been proven to be highly scalable and resilient. The Research Institute of Sweden confirmed a phenomenally successful Beta-phase audit of EML’s performance in a real-world environment. The audit assessed EML’s; vulnerabilities, opportunities, process, validation, security, speed and established expectations, guidelines, deliverables, and transparencies.

EML has undergone extensive testing across the US, Europe, Canada, and the Middle East, which resulted in actionable, accurate dispatchable location with both new and existing public safety infrastructures.

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Public Safety

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