
Our prime purpose in life is to help others

March 31, 2021

Let’s start a conversation about our “Emergency Services Network (ESN)”.

Over the coming weeks I would like to discuss with you the subject of emergency mobile location, its accuracy challenges, and how we can work together to resolve localization (dispatchable address) whilst maintaining and respecting data privacy, integrity, sovereignty, and reliability.

Every second someone will call 112/9-1-1/999 because they need help. It is a call none of us want to make, but when we do, we need the help to arrive quickly.

Calling ESN initiates a complicated chain of events involving; technology, communication, resources, personnel, training, protocols, and environments, that all collide and align to ensure help arrives where it is needed.

Now over 80% of emergency calls come from a mobile device, and one factor in particular remains a key issue for Emergency Service personnel, PSAPs, Operators and Regulators…” Accurate mobile location information”.

Where is the emergency? Where are you located?

What is your address?

Without knowing WHERE the emergency is, help does not arrive as fast as it should.

In Romania in 2019, a young girl called Emergency Services several times after being kidnapped. What followed was a series of terrible mis-events, and a tragic outcome:

“Alexandra Macesanu, a Romanian 15-year-old who called the European emergency number 112 three times, saying she had been kidnapped by a man while hitchhiking to her home village from the nearby southern town of Caracal.

It took authorities 19 hours to locate and enter the premises where she was believed to be held, where they found what appeared to be human remains and jewelry.”

Source :

The Dalai Lama once said: “Our prime purpose in life is to help others”, but he also said “The best way to resolve any problem in the world is for all sides to sit down and talk” …and that is where I would like to begin.

Thank you

Emily Valiant, Communications Director