
The “Direct to 9-1-1” feature in Safety Platforms & Incident Management apps.

December 16, 2024

“In an active shooter situation, speed is paramount,” said Don De Lucca, former President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. “Getting immediate and accurate information from the scene is life-saving.”* 

With companies, schools and universities adopting so many types of safety technology, one feature that’s both sought-after and critical is the interconnection between those products and 9-1-1., since emergencies don’t wait, and time is always crucial.  

As we know, emergency dispatchers receive lots of information during emergency calls. Having  an ability to see the right location of an alert is vital to ensure they can make sense of incoming data and send the appropriate resources quickly.  

Location accuracy makes a difference. It helps with: 

Faster Response Times, Better Outcomes: Accurate location data allows emergency responders to reach the person in distress more quickly, reducing the time it takes to locate the individual and provide assistance successfully. 

Improved Dispatch Efficiency: Better location data enables dispatchers to allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that the nearest available responders are sent to the correct location.  

Vulnerable Groups, Accessibility For All: In situations where the caller is unable to speak or communicate effectively, having precise location data correctly and automatically transmitted to 9-1-1 can be lifesaving. 

Regulatory Compliance: The Ray Baum Act mandates that telecommunications providers, including VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services, provide more precise location data when a 9-1-1 is dialled. This ensures Emergency Responders locate individuals in distress quickly and accurately , particularly in multi-story buildings or densely populated urban areas. 

However, the location technology currently used: estimated GPS, crowd-sourced Wi-Fi, Z-axis HAE, or Bluetooth are in many cases inaccurate or unreliable for indoor locations, or require expensive deployment and maintenance, with infrastructure changes. Meaning 9-1-1 isn’t receiving the quality data it needs. 

The ATLS Location Service is different. 

Designed to seamlessly integrate into any existing crisis communication, safety app, or incident management software, ATLS replaces and upgrades current location intelligence being used. It delivers world-leading accurate and precise location intelligence that can be displayed in real-time on an indoor floorplan. 

Leveraging multiple location technologies alongside it’s own patented methodology ATLS guarantees cutting-edge location intelligence and situational awarenessAdditionally it requires NO additional infrastructure upgrades, complicated deployment processes, staff training or maintenance fees.  

Watch our demo for more information